USHMA PANDYA is co-founder of Think Zero LCC, a waste reduction and diversion advisory firm that works with businesses on meeting their waste sustainability goals. She works with a wide variety of clients across industries including real estate, media, consumer products, retail and educational institutions. Prior to launching Think Zero, Ushma held senior management roles with American Express, Booz & Co., and Katzenbach Partners. She has also advised organizations such as the Environmental Defense Fund, the Department of Environment of the City of Chicago, and Acumen on launching environmental initiatives. Ushma is a member of the Manhattan Solid Waste Advisory Board (MSWAB) and the NYC chapter of the New York League of Conservation Voters. She was previously on the Board of Sustainable South Bronx, where she oversaw the for-profit subsidiary Cool Roofs that worked on cooling and greening roofs throughout NYC. Ushma holds degrees from Georgetown University, Columbia University and Harvard University. She is certified as a TRUE Zero Waste Business Associate by GBCI and a LEED Green Associate from USGBC.